Being a carrier of God with humility.

Let God exalt you. In a world that is increasingly more and more self-focused, how do you embrace humility? We all know Jesus called us to be humble but what does humility really look like in someone’s life? How often do we see it portrayed? As Christians, we are called to be carriers of God…

You have a voice.

Don’t let anyone silence it. Each one of us was born for a purpose. Throughout our lives, satan tries to cause us to feel small and insignificant because he wants to silence us. Don’t let his blows make you stop offering what you were meant to offer to the world around you- the things God…

Believe for the impossible.

Miracles are simply who God is. When we think about miracles, we often think of something that is rare and unusual. Though we are not accustomed to seeing miracles, God is completely capable of displaying His power through signs and wonders. The problem is not that God doesn’t want to give us more miracles, it…

Let go of the burden.

God gives us rest. We try to carry so much upon our shoulders. For some people, daily life can seem overwhelming because of disabilities or struggles. We were not meant to make the Christian life work on our own. We simply can’t. Is there something that has been weighing heavy on your heart? Give it…

Pour the oil of your life upon Jesus’ feet.

Our lives are like fragrance. Each one of our lives carry a certain essence. Whether we realize it or not, we give off a certain aroma through the way we live and the person we are. If we are prideful, our lives leave behind the stench of the flesh but if we are humble, we…

A word for the one who feels all alone and abandoned.

Don’t let the pain drown you! There are people who hide a world of conversation and life inside them but others don’t know how to discover them. Most people don’t know how important communication is. I’ve always been one to express my mind instead of keeping to myself. I always thrive in places where this…